ScheduledJobs Table
This holds information about our scheduled jobs such as job name, enabled status, etc...CREATE TABLE ScheduledJobs ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), JobScheduleId INT NOT NULL, ConversationHandle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, JobName NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), ValidFrom DATETIME NOT NULL, LastRunOn DATETIME, NextRunOn DATETIME, IsEnabled BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), CreatedOn DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT GETUTCDATE() )
ScheduledJobSteps Table
This holds the job step name, the SQL statement to run in the step, whether to retry the step on failure and how many times, step duration, etc...CREATE TABLE ScheduledJobSteps ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), ScheduledJobId INT NOT NULL, StepName NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), SqlToRun NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, -- sql statement to run RetryOnFail BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), -- do we wish to retry the job step on failure RetryOnFailTimes INT NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), -- if we do how many times do we wish to retry it DurationInSeconds DECIMAL(14,4) DEFAULT (0), -- duration of the step with all retries CreatedOn DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT GETUTCDATE(), LastExecutedOn DATETIME )
JobSchedules Table
This holds the job's schedule. Multiple jobs can have the same schedule. Here we specify an absolute or relative scheduling frequency. This is mimicking most of the SQL Server Agent scheduling options. For weekly scheduling number 1 is Monday and number 7 is Sunday. This is because the ISO standard says that a week starts on Monday.CREATE TABLE JobSchedules ( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, FrequencyType INT NOT NULL CHECK (FrequencyType IN (1, 2, 3)), -- daily = 1, weekly = 2, monthly = 3. "Run once" jobs don't have a job schedule Frequency INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1) CHECK (Frequency BETWEEN 1 AND 100), AbsoluteSubFrequency VARCHAR(100), -- '' if daily, '1,2,3,4,5,6,7' day of week if weekly, '1,2,3,...,28,29,30,31' if montly MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich INT, MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat INT, RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(0) CHECK (RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight BETWEEN 0 AND 84599), -- 0-84599 = 1 day in seconds CONSTRAINT CK_AbsoluteSubFrequency CHECK ((FrequencyType = 1 AND ISNULL(AbsoluteSubFrequency, '') = '') OR -- daily check (FrequencyType = 2 AND LEN(AbsoluteSubFrequency) > 0) OR -- weekly check (days of week CSV) (FrequencyType = 3 AND (LEN(AbsoluteSubFrequency) > 0 -- monthly absolute option (days of month CSV) AND MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich IS NULL AND MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat IS NULL) OR ISNULL(AbsoluteSubFrequency, '') = '') -- monthly relative option ), CONSTRAINT MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich CHECK -- only allow values if frequency type is monthly (MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich IS NULL OR (FrequencyType = 3 AND AbsoluteSubFrequency IS NULL AND MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich IN (1,2,3,4,5)) -- 1st-4th, 5=Last ), CONSTRAINT MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat CHECK -- only allow values if frequency type is monthly (MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich IS NULL OR (FrequencyType = 3 AND AbsoluteSubFrequency IS NULL AND MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,-1)) -- 1=Mon to 7=Sun, -1=Day ) )For monthly relative scheduling you can easily set the first/second/third/fourth/last day of the week or of the month.
SchedulingErrors Table
This table contains information about any errors that have happened in our job execution. Once a job errors out it will stop without any further execution.CREATE TABLE SchedulingErrors ( Id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, ScheduledJobId INT, ScheduledJobStepId INT, ErrorLine INT, ErrorNumber INT, ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(MAX), ErrorSeverity INT, ErrorState INT, ErrorDate DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT GETUTCDATE() )
Required User-Defined Functions
This calculates the next time our job will be run based on the schedule we created and the last run time or last ValidFrom time of the job. In the function we use an excellent calendar table F_TABLE_DATE and a user defined function called dbo.F_ISO_WEEK_OF_YEAR that gets the ISO Week number for a date. Both were created by Michael Valentine Jones, a regular on the forums. The GetNextRunTime function is quite complex but the comments in code should provide enough information for complete understanding. If they don't, ask questions in the comments.The following code shows the part of the UDF that calculates the next date to run for the daily scheduling type:
-- ... -- DAILY SCHEDULE TYPE IF @FrequencyType = 1 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @NextRunTime = DATE FROM ( SELECT DATEADD(s, @RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight, DATE) AS DATE, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DATE) - 1 AS CorrectDaySelector FROM dbo.F_TABLE_DATE(@LastRunTime, DATEADD(d, 2*@Frequency, @LastRunTime)) ) t WHERE DATE > @LastRunTime AND CorrectDaySelector % @Frequency = 0 ORDER BY DATE END -- ...
Required Stored Procedures
These stored procedures make a nice and friendly interface to the scheduling functionality.- usp_AddJobSchedule: Adds a new job schedule.
- usp_RemoveJobSchedule: Removes an existing job schedule.
- usp_AddScheduledJob: Adds a new scheduled job. For "Run once" job types we don't need a Job Schedule so for @JobScheduleId parameter we have to pass -1 and for @NextRunOn we have to set a date in the future in UTC time.
- usp_RemoveScheduledJob: Removes an existing scheduled job.
- usp_AddScheduledJobStep: Adds a new scheduled job step for a job. It also calculates the next run time of the job.
- usp_RemoveScheduledJobStep: Removes an existing scheduled job step from a job.
- usp_StartScheduledJob: Used when starting a new or job or re-enabling an old disabled job by passing a new ValidFrom date and in the activation stored procedure to start the job anew for the next scheduled run.
- usp_StopScheduledJob: Stops the scheduled job run by ending the conversation for it and setting it to disabled.
- usp_RunScheduledJobSteps: Runs every job step and repeats it the set number of times if that option is enabled. After each successful job step execution the step duration time and last run on time is set.
- usp_RunScheduledJob: Activation stored procedure that is NOT meant to be run by hand. You should run it by hand only for debugging, when your messages are left in the queue. The stored procedure receives the dialog timer message from the queue and finds the scheduled job that corresponds with its conversation handle. After it gets the Scheduled job it runs its Job steps, sets the dialog timer for the next scheduled value and updates the last run time of the job.
Scheduling Code Examples
DECLARE @JobScheduleId INT, @ScheduledJobId INT, @validFrom DATETIME, @ScheduledJobStepId INT, @secondsOffset INT, @NextRunOn DATETIME SELECT @validFrom = GETUTCDATE(), -- the job is valid from current UTC time -- run the job 2 minutes after the validFrom time. -- we need the offset in seconds from midnight of that day for all jobs @secondsOffset = 28800, -- set the job time time to 8 in the morning of the selected day @NextRunOn = DATEADD(n, 1, @validFrom) -- set next run for once only job to 1 minute from now -- SIMPLE RUN ONCE SCHEDULING EXAMPLE -- add new "run once" scheduled job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId OUT, -1, 'test job', @validFrom, @NextRunOn -- add just one simple step for our job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, 'EXEC sp_updatestats', 'step 1' -- start the scheduled job EXEC usp_StartScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId -- SIMPLE DAILY SCHEDULING EXAMPLE -- run the job daily EXEC usp_AddJobSchedule @JobScheduleId OUT, @RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight = @secondsOffset, @FrequencyType = 1, @Frequency = 1 -- run every day -- add new scheduled job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId OUT, @JobScheduleId, 'test job', @validFrom DECLARE @backupSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @backupSQL = N'DECLARE @backupTime DATETIME, @backupFile NVARCHAR(512); SELECT @backupTime = GETDATE(), @backupFile = ''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\AdventureWorks_'' + replace(replace(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25), @backupTime, 120), '' '', ''_''), '':'', ''_'') + N''.bak''; BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = @backupFile;' EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, @backupSQL, 'step 1' -- start the scheduled job EXEC usp_StartScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId -- COMPLEX WEEKLY ABSOLUTE SCHEDULING EXAMPLE -- run the job on every tuesday, wednesday, friday and sunday of every second week EXEC usp_AddJobSchedule @JobScheduleId OUT, @RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight = @secondsOffset, @FrequencyType = 2, -- weekly frequency type @Frequency = 2, -- run every every 2 weeks, @AbsoluteSubFrequency = '2,3,5,7' -- run every Tuesday(2), Wednesday(3), Friday(5) and Sunday(7) -- add new scheduled job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId OUT, @JobScheduleId, 'test job', @validFrom -- add three steps for our job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, 'EXEC sp_updatestats', 'step 1' EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, 'DBCC CHECKDB', 'step 2' EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, 'select 1,', 'step 3 will fail', 1, 2 -- retry on fail 2 times -- start the scheduled job EXEC usp_StartScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId -- COMPLEX RELATIVE SCHEDULING SCHEDULING EXAMPLE DECLARE @relativeWhichDay INT, @relativeWhatDay INT SELECT @relativeWhichDay = 4, -- 1 = First, 2 = Second, 3 = Third, 4 = Fourth, 5 = Last @relativeWhatDay = 3 -- 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ..., 7 = Sunday, -1 = Day -- run the job on the 4th monday of every month EXEC usp_AddJobSchedule @JobScheduleId OUT, @RunAtInSecondsFromMidnight = @secondsOffset, -- int @FrequencyType = 3, -- monthly frequency type @Frequency = 1, -- run every month, @AbsoluteSubFrequency = NULL, -- no aboslute frequence if relative is set @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich = @relativeWhichDay, @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat = @relativeWhatDay /* some more relative monthly scheduling examples run on: the first day of the month: - @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich = 1, @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat = -1 the third thursday of the month: - @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich = 3, @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat = 4 the last sunday of the month: - @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich = 5, @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat = 7 the second wedensday of the month: - @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhich = 2, @MontlyRelativeSubFrequencyWhat = 3 */ -- add new scheduled job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId OUT, @JobScheduleId, 'test job', @validFrom -- add just one simple step for our job EXEC usp_AddScheduledJobStep @ScheduledJobStepId OUT, @ScheduledJobId, 'EXEC sp_updatestats', 'step 1' -- start the scheduled job EXEC usp_StartScheduledJob @ScheduledJobId -- SEE WHAT GOING ON WITH OUR JOBS -- show the currently active conversations -- look at dialog_timer column (in UTC time) to see when will the job be run next SELECT GETUTCDATE(), dialog_timer, * FROM sys.conversation_endpoints -- shows the number of currently executing activation procedures SELECT * FROM sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks -- see how many unreceived messages are still in the queue. should be 0 when no jobs are running SELECT * FROM ScheduledJobQueue WITH (NOLOCK) -- view our scheduled jobs' statuses SELECT * FROM ScheduledJobs WITH (NOLOCK) SELECT * FROM ScheduledJobSteps WITH (NOLOCK) SELECT * FROM JobSchedules WITH (NOLOCK) SELECT * FROM SchedulingErrors WITH (NOLOCK)
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