Tuesday 8 January 2013


   color: "red",
   cost:  "$25.00",
   time:  1000

Now you could access that data anywhere else on the page:
In this recipe, we iterate over both an array and an object using $.each(), which provides an elegant interface to the common task of iteration. The first argument to the $.each() method is the array or object to iterate over, with the second argument being the callback method that is executed for each element. (Note that this is slightly different from the jQuery collection method $('div').each(), whose first argument is the callback function.)
When the callback function defined by the developer is executed, the this variable is set to the value of the element currently being iterated. Thus, the previous recipe could be rewritten as follows:
(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var months = [  'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
                        'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
                        'November', 'December'];
        $.each(months, function() {
            $('#months').append('<li>' + this + '</li>');

        var days = {    Sunday: 0, Monday: 1, Tuesday: 2, Wednesday: 3,
                        Thursday: 4, Friday: 5, Saturday: 6 };
        $.each(days, function(key) {
            $('#days').append('<li>' + key + ' (' + this + ')</li>');

The Basics

You can call the data method on a jQuery object, or you can use the $.data() function instead.
1// Using the data method:
2$("#myDiv").data("key","arbitrary value");
4// Using the data function:
5$.data($("#myDiv").get(0),"key","arbitrary value");
The data function is a low level implementation, and is actually being used by the method call behind the scenes. The method call is also more convenient, as it allows you to include it as a part of a chain.
Also, notice that you need to pass a DOM element as the first parameter of $.data, and not a jQuery object. This is why in this article, we are going to concentrate on using the method call instead.
When you use the data method, you need to pass two parameters – a key and a value to be stored. The key has to be a string, and the value can be any data structure, including functions, arrays and objects. There is an alternative syntax, in which you pass an object as a single parameter:
1// Passing an object:
4// This is the same as:
Now that you’ve inserted your data, you can read it by calling the data method with a single parameter – the key:
1var theValue = $("#myDiv").data("age"); // 21
You can access the data everywhere in your script. It doesn’t matter what the selector is, as long as it is the same element, you will get the same value you’ve put in:
1// Given that myDiv is the first div in the page:
3var theValue = $("div:first").data("name"); // Stevie
6    alert($(this).data("age"); // 21
As of jQuery 1.4.3 HTML5 data- attributes are also made available via the data method. This means that if you have an element like this:
1<img id="img1" data-internal-id="221" width="100" height="100" />
You can access the data-internal-id attribute by just calling $("#img1").data('internal-id'), which is really useful in AJAX applications. We also used this technique in last week’s tutorial – Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3.

Using the Data Method on JavaScript objects

You may find it surprising that you can use the data method on regular JavaScript objects. This functionality has been around for some time, but with jQuery 1.4.3 it opens the doors to some useful applications.
1var myObj = {};
What the snippet above does, is actually create a city property on the object. But why not just set myObj.city = "Springfield" yourself? Because the data method triggers a number of useful events you can listen for:
01var progressBar = {};
04    switch(key){
05        case "percent":
06            $("#progress").width(value+"%");
07            $("#percentText").text(value+"%");
08            break;
10        case "color":
11            $("#progress").css("color",value);
12            break;
14        case "enabled":
15            $('#progress').toggleClass("active",value);
16            break;
17    }
22// You also have easy access to the current values:
23console.log(progressBar.enabled);    // true
In the fragment above, we use the data method to create a simple API with which we can update a progress bar on screen. The best part of it is that at any given time you can just take a peek at the progressBar object and get the current values.
There are two other events that are triggered when using the data method on a plain object:
  • getData – triggered before data is read from the object. You can use the return statement within the event handling function to override the value. Can be used to run calculations behind the scenes;
  • changeData – triggered whenever data is set or changed. It is used in the jQuery datalink plugin and allows you to bind a form to a JavaScript object and access the form fields as properties of that object. This way you don’t have to deal with reading and setting values, which is quite a burden especially in longer forms. You can see it in action in the demo page.
Click on a row to access customer data using .data()
<br /><br />
<table style="width:400px;">
    <thead style="background-color:#efefef">
    <tbody id="tableBody"></tbody>
var $tbody;
$(document).ready(function () {
    //Simulate Ajax call here to get customer data
    var custs = getCustomerData();

    $tbody = $('#tableBody');

    for (var i = 0; i < custs.length; i++) {
        var $tr = $('<tr><td>' + custs[i].Name + '</td><td>' + custs[i].City + '</td></tr>');
        //Associate customer data with the row
        $tr.data('custData', custs[i]);
        //NOTE: Not generally efficient to manipulate the DOM in a loop
        //if you have a large number of rows

    //Handle row click
    $tbody.on('click', 'tr', function () {
        //Get to row data
        var custData = $(this).data('custData');
        //Show State
        alert('Name: ' + custData.Name + '\r\nState: ' + custData.State + '\r\nCity: ' + custData.City);

function getCustomerData() {
    return [
        { ID: 1, Name: 'John', City: 'Scottsdale', State: 'AZ' },
        { ID: 2, Name: 'Jane', City: 'Chandler', State: 'AZ' },
        { ID: 3, Name: 'Michelle', City: 'San Diego', State: 'CA' },
        { ID: 4, Name: 'James', City: 'Portland', State: 'OR' },
        { ID: 5, Name: 'Tom', City: 'Dallas', State: 'TX' },

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